Annual Fourth of July Ward Breakfast

The annual Fourth of July breakfast is a staple among ward activities. I have been to many different wards annual breakfasts, and the events vary from location to location. The best food was sausage (the big fat ones (more like a Polish hot dog) that were sliced) along with the pancakes and the other usual fare. The worst was the watermelon served along side the pancakes and syrup. In fact it has become a running joke with the people that attended that particular breakfast. And the most unique is the “bring your own box of cereal” breakfast—last two years in … Continue reading

Upholding Our Country

In the United States it is time to celebrate the Fourth of July. This is a wonderful holiday when we celebrate the founding of our nation. I am particularly grateful for the religious freedom that has been given to us by our founding fathers and the early settlers of the United States. This freedom opened the doors so that the church could be restored on the earth today. In many ways this country has provided wonderful blessings to all its citizens. Many people think of the church as primarily as an American church, since it was founded in the United … Continue reading

LDS Family Week in Review: July 1-7

This has been a great week for celebrating the Fourth of July! Whether you followed the week as it happened, or just want to review it, this is a great tool for catching up on everything you missed! Monday, July 2nd: In Pageant Time!, we reviewed the various pageants taking place across the United States. In General Conference: “Tabernacle Memories,” we reviewed President Monson’s talk on his memories of this wonderful, historic building. In Upholding Our Country, we talked about the relationship church members worldwide have with their countries. And in Dinner Discussions 2007 Week 24, we reviewed the various … Continue reading